Wednesday, July 20, 2022

07. To be

Спряжение глагола to be


Задание 2.11. Прочтите, переведите и перепиши­те, используя, где возможно, сокращения.

I am a student. Am I a student? Yes, you are.

We are students. Are we students? Yes, we are.

He is a doctor. Is he a doctor? No, he is not. He is not a doctor.

Are you doctors? Yes, you are. You are doctors.

She is a teacher. They are teachers. He is a teacher.

It is a dog. Is it a dog? Yes, it is.

Ann is a first-year student. 

She has a book. 

She has an English book. 

Her book is good. It is interesting.

I am a first-year student, too. 

But I have no English book.

Has Pete an English book? No, he has not.

Have you an English book? No, I have not. I have not a good English book. My English book is old.

Задание 2.12. Письменно поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие утверди­тельные или отрицательные ответы.

Образец: She is his sister. Is she his sister? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

1. My father is a worker. 2. He is an engineer now. 3. These children are little. 4. You are my best friend .5. Your daughter is a pupil. 6. I am a student. 7. They are good boys. 8. Our mother is a teacher.

 Задание 2.13. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Have, no, book, I. 2. They, no, good, have, room. 3. Have, yes, I. 4. Room, Ann, a, has. 5. Pen, has, a, she? 6.Little, dog, our, is. 7. Is, pencil, his, old. 8. Lamp, is, good, her? 9. Book, give, please, me, your. 10. Bag, good, is, my.


Задание 2.14. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be и переведите.

1. Не... born in 1985. 2. We... students now. 3. We... good friends at the college. 4. It... an interesting book. 5. Who... absent today? 6. He... a student. 7. What... he? 8.... he a doctor? 9. These... my pencils. 10. Where... this book? It... on the table. 11. What... their names? 12. Mary... a girl. 13. Who... he? 14. What... you? 15. This man... in the room. 16. How... she? 17. How... you? I... fine. 18. How... your friend? 19.... he your son? 20. Tomorrow we... at home. 21.... you a sportsman? 22. There... no book on the table. 23. It... my parents' car. 24. There... 15 students in our group now.                                                           

Задание 2.15. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Она — учитель? — Да. 2. Вы — не дети. Вы — студенты. 3. Они сейчас в классе? — Нет. 4. Кто вы? — Я — студент. 5. Она — мой друг. 6. Он — не доктор. 7. Это мои дети. 8. Что это? Это — новая книга. 9. Где он был на прошлой неделе? 10. Мы — друзья.

 Задание 2.16. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме:

1. Where ... you from?

2. How old ... you? How old ... your brother?

3. What... your name?

4.1... glad to see you. How ... you?

5. The dog ... in the garden.

6. My parents ...workers.

7. ... your father a teacher? — No, he... a doctor.

8. He ... (not) a student, he ... a doctor

9. That book ... (not) very interesting.

10.The book ... on the table.

11.Moscow ... the capital of Russia.

12.... you students?

13.What... the weather like today?

14.What... on the table?

15.... Boris a good football player?

 to be

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